
Monday, April 12

Spring Cleaning in the Herb Bed

How can it be that it is only April 11 and I already feel behind in the garden?

Well, part of that might be because I didn't get my seeds ordered early like I wanted to.  Maybe.  Or it might be, that I left a lot of things undone in the fall.  It could also be that I am a fantastic procrastinator.  I would say I'm a terrible procrastinator, but the fact is, I'm really very good at it.

However, I'm turning over a new leaf, no pun intended.  I'm going to stop procrastinating. My first order of business - I got busy in the herb bed ( I had to start somewhere).

I have this lovely little herb bed.  Yet, it had these ugly railroad ties framing the bed.  My husband and I have talked about tearing out the ties and putting in a brick frame for what seems like forever.

Now, I'm going to apologize for these pictures.  I'm really just learning how to use my Canon 40d.  I'm trying to do everything in manual and guess who forgot to change the white balance?  Also, I'm trying to learn how to use my Photoshop Elements 8 and blog at the same time.  Keeping with my "no procrastination policy", I'm posting anyhow.

Back to the herb husband quickly removed the railroad ties.  We took a trip to the brick store and got to work.

Roughly two hours later, Viola! A nicely edged herb bed!

Not bad!

Overall, a pretty productive I just have to knock off the other 867,531 things on my to do list!

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