I absolutely love lilacs! They are so pretty and purple-ly (I'm not sure that is actually a word). And then, there is the smell.....lilacs have the most beautiful fragrance. Just a quick walk past a vase of fresh cut lilacs and it's heaven...you know for sure spring has arrived.
Here's the funny part. Well, it's not really ha-ha funny but kind of. I don't own a lilac bush. I used to when we lived in Ohio. There I could happily skip in the backyard and pick lilacs until their season was over. For a brief time, I had fresh cut lilacs on a daily basis. Not now. In fact, it's been years since fresh lilacs have graced my table.

However, there happens to be this field about a mile away from my home. For years, I've driven by in the spring and wanted to stop and snip some lilacs. But, I've been afraid. Afraid to stop because maybe someone might yell "lilac stealer!" Then I'd have to run away, dropping my treasured lilacs in a not so graceful way. I'd probably fall some too because I wouldn't be watching where I was going...it would not be a pretty sight. So, for years, I've only looked with envy at all those lilacs, knowing I could give them a happy home if only for a few short days. (sniff)

And...then....I had had enough. This was going to be the year I broke through my irrational fear of being a lilac stealer. I gathered my gardening bucket, gardening snips and my super-duper new Ethel Gloves and drove to the field. (Oh yeah, I also brought my camera). I was alone with a zillion lilacs. I quickly went to work, sniffing (you know, because they smell so good) and snipping until my little bucket was filled with lilacs.
Then, I rushed away just in case someone was thinking of yelling at me. When I got home, I joyfully put my lilacs in some vases and set them around the house. Ahhhh...it smells so good in here.
How come I waited so long to do this?
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